Nearly five years ago I was offered a full-time job in another city. I rented my home and moved my belongings. A week later after I moved to this other city, the owner pulled the job offer. I found myself jobless and homeless. My home was occupied by renters and I had no income. One of the reasons I moved to this other city was to pursue dance teaching and to attend a ballroom dance teaching college in the evening. After the shock of the job loss passed I found a dance studio that I could study, practice, and teach while I looked for a job. Every day from noon to 10 pm I made dancing my job – studying the syllabus, reviewing videos, and attending classes. Within three months I had 10 students and was dancing. My income was low, but I was enjoying every day.
I have heard that dancing had many benefits. At the studio I felt safe. The dancing made me feel good physically and mentally. It gave me purpose and provided daily joy. The camaraderie with fellow teachers and students was intoxicating. Having a reason to get up every day and looking forward to dance was the difference between life and death of my spirit.
Are you in a blue mood? Is there stress in your job? Well turn on the music and dance. One day back in my dorm room, I blasted Madonna songs and danced until I collapsed of exhaustion into happiness. Dance has obvious physical health benefits. Sometimes the physical benefits of dance are not achieved because of the condition the mind and spirit is in. There were days that the difference between feeling down and feeling good was music and dancing. Body movement and music create endorphins in the body that makes you feel good. But it goes further than that. When one is dancing to music, there is no room for negative thoughts or feelings. It keeps a person in the present. No time for guilt or worry. For four minutes at a time there is nothing to think about except the dance and the music. Ballroom dancing adds another aspect of sociability and communication with others. There are many dancers who claim that dance has saved their lives. I am one of them.
Yours truly,
Larry Rindner